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NL14_7_maitrise de l'énergie
19 January 2024 Press release

Awareness-raising resources, workshops... Energy management efforts continue

In addition to an energy transition mini-conference on the theme of energy savings, the MTE will soon be distributing “energy” stickers to display in your office. Watch this space!...

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SAS Cop28 - S.A.S. le Prince Albert et la délégation du Gouvernement Princier ©DR
04 December 2023 Press release

Monaco takes part in the World Climate Action Summit at the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The 28th session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) began work on Thursday 30 November in Dubai. This year marks a turning point in the implementation of the P...

Read more of Monaco takes part in the World Climate Action Summit at the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Conventi...Read more
Entrepreneurs bas carbone - Les entrepreneurs bas-carbone à MonacoTech ©Ed Wright
24 November 2023 Press release

‘Low-carbon entrepreneur’: economic development merges with energy transition

On Friday 17 November the closing event was held of the first low-carbon support programme for Monegasque businesses, an initiative presented and led by the Mission for Energy Transition (MTE) in partnership with the Business D...

Read more of ‘Low-carbon entrepreneur’: economic development merges with energy transitionRead more
Conférence SERD 2023 - Conférence de presse de la SERD ©Direction de la Communication – Stéphane Danna
22 November 2023 Press release

A rich and packed programme for the EWWR

Friday 17 November 2023 was the date of the conference to launch the 5th European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR) in the Principality, to be held from 21 to 26 November. The press was invited for the occasion to hear about the s...

Read more of A rich and packed programme for the EWWR Read more
Commission d'évaluation BD2M du 14/11/23
16 November 2023 Press release

9ème Commission d’Evaluation mixte BDM – BD2M

Mardi 14 novembre se tenait la 9èmecommission mixte BDM/ BD2M(Bâtiments Durables Méditerranéens de Monaco) ; la 3èmepour l’année 2023.

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Audit énergétique illustration
19 September 2023 Press release


Le saviez-vous ?Depuis 2018, près de 600 dossiers de subvention pour les audits énergétiques ont été enregistrés puis traités par la MTE.Et exemplarité oblige, tous les bâtiments publics ont déjà réalisé leur audit. Mais, final...

Affiche SERD 23 - ©DR
14 September 2023 Press release

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR)

The Principality of Monaco is taking part in this initiative for the fifth timeand calls on shareholders to sign up and get involved!

Read more of The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR)Read more
Conso eau juillet 2023 - Consommations d'eau à Monaco ©DR
24 July 2023 Press release

Drought action plan: “warning level” measures yield positive results

Since the publication of the Ministerial Decree on drought conditions and the implementation of the “warning level” on 12 May, the Government has observed the effectiveness of measures and commends the efforts of the population...

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22 July 2023 Press release

Energy management: lighting and air conditioning are the subject of new measures and recommendations

As part of its plan to manage energy use and following the public’s adherence to measures taken last winter, the Prince’s Government has adopted two new ministerial decrees on public and private lighting and on the use of air c...

Read more of Energy management: lighting and air conditioning are the subject of new measures and recommendationsRead more
Pollution air - ©Direction de la Communication
10 July 2023 Press release

Ozone pollution Public INFORMATION procedure

According to air quality data measured by the Department of the Environment, the information threshold for ozone pollution, 180 µg/m3, is likely to be reached today and tomorrow, Tuesday 11 July.Ozone pollution arises from the...

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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59