Monaco makes progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions: a step towards carbon neutrality by 2050
The Department of the Environment recently published its 2024 National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions (2022 data) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The report highlighted significant progress in reducing Monaco’s greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2022, total greenhouse gas emissions were 66.53 kt CO₂eq, representing a substantial 34.5% decline compared with the reference year, 1990. This decline is the result of several factors, including a reduction in fuel consumption by the transport and construction sectors, as well as an increase in the use of biofuels. The construction, transport and waste treatment sectors continue to be the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.
Significant progress has been made in the field of energy management. In 2022, 65.5% of the energy consumed in Monaco came from renewable sources, and this share continues to rise. The Principality has focused particularly on renewable electricity: 43% of the electricity used by Monaco is generated by sources such as hydroelectric power.
The policies and measures adopted by the Government as part of its Climate Air Energy Plan are aimed at achieving a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared with 1990).
Alongside these positive results, a proactive policy to help Monaco adapt to climate change is being pursued. The programme of action that has been implemented seeks to develop nature-based solutions, with a specific focus on urban rewilding, to improve climate resilience.
The Department of the Environment has begun work on drafting a Low-Carbon Strategy for the Principality, which will help to chart a course towards carbon neutrality by 2050, while also addressing the current challenges posed by climate change.
The full report can be found at:
— Gouvernement Monaco (@GvtMonaco) July 31, 2020
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