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Eco-action of the month : no plastic picnics


To support you in your energy transition efforts, every season the Mission for Energy Transition will be highlighting a simple eco-action that you can adopt in your everyday life. Whether at home, at work or at school, while shopping, travelling or gardening, or even on holiday, there are eco-actions we can take in every area of our lives.


How can I reduce waste when I’m going for a picnic?


The picnic season is upon us and with it, an opportunity to embrace new habits when you’re out and about. Unfortunately, picnics are still often associated with paper and plastic waste. To cut down on this waste and enjoy your picnics while also reducing your carbon footprint, here are a few simple ideas and behaviours that you can try:


-        Use reusable dishes rather than disposable plastic plates and cutlery. Once you’ve used them, stash them in a bag so that you can take them home, wash them, and use them again. It’s much better for the environment, will save you money and is a whole lot nicer!

-        Another very simple tip is to use fabric napkins rather than paper ones, and to take a cloth with you instead of relying on kitchen roll.

-        Use your reusable plastic or glass airtight containers rather than wrapping your sandwiches, quiches and salads in cling film, tinfoil or disposable containers. A quick tip: pack your kids’ sandwiches in their lunch boxes. They’ll love being able to eat them all by themselves. Don’t throw your glass jars away either: they make excellent containers for things like small sausages, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes and salad dressings.

-        If you haven’t yet done so, invest in a flask rather than buying plastic bottles. It’s a cheap and extremely useful investment!

-        If you’re arranging your picnic at the last minute and buying your food rather than bringing it from home, consider taking your containers with you! And to cut down on rubbish and tackle food waste at the same time, don’t forget to use the waste reducing app Toogoodtogo!


Finally, to avoid leaving any rubbish behind, take three small bags with you so that you can sort your waste when you’re finished. It’s a simple yet vital action that will allow you to fully enjoy eating in the great outdoors, while treating it with respect it at the same time.

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