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Carrefour Monaco commits to action

Rémi Feipeler s’engage pour Carrefour Monaco, aux côtés d’Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux / © Michael Alesi/Direction de la Communication

This morning, Carrefour Monaco signed the National Energy Transition Pact.

The recent arrival of new Director Rémi Feipeler has inspired a new approach to ethical and responsible purchasing, as well as many positive changes related to the energy transition.

Examples include:

-             A new in-store refrigeration system, which is currently being installed and will produce energy savings of 25%. The new refrigeration system uses CO2 rather than Freon, cutting greenhouse gas emissions by a factor of 2,700.

-             Alternatives to single-use packaging (introduction of loose products and availability of sustainable, eco-friendly packaging).

-             A delivery service using an electric vehicle, which is provided by a supplier under the Carrefour logo.

-             Plastic and cardboard recycling.

-             The introduction of 100% LED lighting.

Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, Director of the Mission for Energy Transition, welcomed the trendsetting role played by Carrefour Monaco, saying that she knew she “could count on the store to continue to change the purchasing habits of consumers living and working in the Principality.”

Carrefour Monaco has 300 employees working every day, who will all learn more about the Principality’s energy transition through the National Pact.

The introduction of the National Pact was driven by H.S.H. Prince Albert II, who was the first to sign it. It is a tool that offers each of us an opportunity to reflect on our impact on the planet, and to make a personal commitment to achieving a carbon-free Monaco.

More information is available on our social media pages (Government and Mission for Energy Transition) and, from this evening, on Monaco Info.

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59