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Awareness-raising resources, workshops... Energy management efforts continue

In addition to an energy transition mini-conference on the theme of energy savings, the MTE will soon be distributing “energy” stickers to display in your office. Watch this space!


Energy conservation is an on-going, year-round process.

Efforts are constantly being made to encourage the Monegasque community to play its part, and the results can be seen in summer with reduced use of air-conditioning, and in winter, when the cold weather arrives.

Last year, power cuts were avoided thanks to the mild temperatures and energy-saving efforts by residents.

But it’s always important to use the thermostat sparingly (and changing the way you use heating and AC can be a real money saver).

A few weeks ago, the MTE invited its members to an “Energy Transition Meeting” on the theme of energy savings.

The event was organised in three parts:

•             A presentation of energy best practices, by Raphaël Carossi, building energy expert at the MTE;

•             A presentation by energy company SMEG about its digital tool that can be used to help manage energy use; MyNexio (mynexio.smeg.mc);

•             Finally, two contributions from National Pact Ambassadors, Elodie Robert and Guillaume Giordano, both energy savings champions.

To meet demand for resources to support teams in their energy-saving efforts, the MTE will soon be providing National Pact signatories with stickers to display in their offices. Thermostats, switches, standby modes... The aim will be to step up awareness efforts in the workplace on a daily basis.

Watch this space, as we'll be talking about this issue again very soon...

With a little common sense, a few small actions, technological support and financial assistance, it’s never been easier to manage your energy use. And because nothing works like collective action, let’s act together to optimise our energy use! Think about it...

Dedicated eco-gesture sheets  

The National Pact for Energy Transition invites you to take simple energy efficiency actions

In addition, the MyNexio meters  identify your most energy-intensive uses and help you to better manage your electricity consumption, thereby reducing your costs;
There are many subsidies available to help you make your home more energy efficient, such as the "financial assistance to purchase small appliances .

Finally, to go even further, you can watch the testimonials of companies that have signed up to the National Pact on our Youtube channel: SBM Offshore, Siamp-Cedap, Grimaldi Forum and Interplast Fitt MC.

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59