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Annual Energy Transition Conference enjoys huge success


Our Annual Energy Transition Conference was held on Friday 29 March at the Yacht Club. Under the theme “The Energy Transition: It’s Up to Me”, our event brought together numerous signatories of the Energy Transition Pact for an informative, convivial evening that was also attended by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, H.E. the Minister of State and Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development. Below, we take a look at some of the highlights of the conference.

Julien Vidal presents his “eco-citizen” initiative

A true ambassador for the energy transition in France, Julien Vidal, the creator behind the Ça commence par moi (It All Starts With Me) initiative did us the honour of coming to talk about his personal project, which he began several months ago. Proof that a sustainable energy transition begins with simple changes in behaviour, Julien Vidal has tested and adopted more than 365 concrete eco-friendly actions as part of his daily life. The author of Ça commence par moi, soyons le changement que nous voulons voir dans le monde (It All Starts with Me: Let’s Be the Change We Want to See in the World), he is seeking to show that there are already accessible, specific and commendable solutions that will help us to build a better world. These include a responsible approach to food, zero waste, soft mobility, sustainable tourism, a low-tech lifestyle, etc.

Prospects for developing the National Pact

The evening was also an opportunity for us to share our first report on the Pact, as we presented the key results from a survey carried out among our signatories. We are pleased with the initial outcomes, which have meant that we are able to start planning for a more ambitious Level 2 Pact. We will be developing this soon, and it will be aimed at an audience which is already strongly committed. Of course, the current Pact will continue to be offered for those who are still at more of a “beginners” stage. In addition, the Mission for Energy Transition will set up a Pact Strategic Committee which, in the spirit of the White Paper, will bring together signatories of the Pact representing key stakeholders in Monaco on a regular basis. The role of the committee will be to support and provide back-up to the Mission for Energy Transition in mobilising all elements of the Monegasque community.


New initiatives intended to support promotion and adoption of the Pact were also announced, including:

  • district-level events starting in May to raise public awareness of the energy transition
  • the Energy Transition: It’s Up to Me programme, a partnership between the Mission and Radio Ethic which will highlight good eco-friendly behaviours adopted by Pact signatories (http://www.radioethic.com/)


Four Energy Transition ambassadors honoured

During the evening, we wanted to reward three signatories of the Pact for their good environmental and/or energy practices:

  • SBM Offshore was awarded the prize for best efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for its teleworking initiative (the prize was presented to the company’s Director, Didier Beynet). The company holds the record for the most employees working from home in the Principality. The initiative is helping it to drastically reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants caused by commuting.
  • La Maison Lino was awarded the prize for best efforts on waste management (the prize was presented to Michèle Pugliese). A small butcher’s shop in La Condamine, La Maison Lino invested in fitting out a bin area, which allows it to sort and recycle its waste, and makes it easier for SMA to collect the waste bins. It has also embarked on other environmental initiatives, including using local suppliers for its products, reducing packaging, etc.
  • Quentin Demé was awarded the prize for most innovative participant. A young civil servant, Quentin travels to work in the Principality from Roquebrune-Cap-Martin every day using an electric bike which he designed himself. His bike recently passed the 30,000-kilometre mark, meaning that Quentin has prevented more than 4.3 tonnes of CO2 emissions since he started using it.


Lastly, we wanted to honour sports brand Decathlon Monaco. At the instigation of one of its employees, Sébastien Uscher, the sporting equipment store has now stopped selling single-use plastic bottles of water, removing more than 6,000 from the shelves. Instead, Decathlon Monaco now offers an eco-designed, reusable bottle and a water fountain supplying purified, filtered water free of charge for use by everyone. This is a first step for the store, which already has other ideas for introducing new products and processes that are more environmentally friendly.


At the conference, Sébastien Uscher presented the first four eco-designed bottles to be released to the Sovereign Prince, for his family, declaring himself “delighted and honoured to be launching the movement here, in Monaco.”

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59