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Nouvelle réglementation énergétique des bâtiments  © Michael Alesi – Direction de la Communication - Marie-Pierre Gramaglia Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre de l’Equipement, de l’Environnement et de l’Urbanisme et ses équipes lors de la présentation aux médias de la nouvelle réglementation énergétique ©Michael Alesi - Direction de la Communication
10 October 2018 News flash

New energy regulations for buildings in the Principality

Surrounded by teams from the Mission for Energy Transition, the Department of Forward Studies, Urban Planning and Mobility, and the Department of the Environment, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, the Minister of Public Works, the Enviro...

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La Mairie signe le PNTE 8-10-18 - 
The Mayor, Georges Marsan, signs the National Energy Transition Pact Commitment Charter in the Wedding Hall, alongside Marie-Pierre Gramaglia and Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux (right)and Marjorie Crovetto-Harroch (left)Photo credit: Michael Alesi © Government Communication Department
08 October 2018 Press release

City Hall signs up to Monaco’s Energy Transition Pact

On Monday 8 October, Mayor of Monaco Georges Marsan signed the National Energy Transition Pact Commitment Charter. The objective for City Hall is to join the effort to achieve a carbon-free Monaco.The signing ceremony was atten...

Read more of City Hall signs up to Monaco’s Energy Transition PactRead more
ACA Certificates-Europe_2018
03 October 2018 News flash

Monaco Heliport is world’s first carbon accredited heliport

As part of the Energy and Climate Plan, Minister of Public Works, the Environment, and Urban Development Marie-Pierre Gramaglia and her teams last year took action to earn carbon accreditation for Monaco Heliport from the Airpo...

Read more of Monaco Heliport is world’s first carbon accredited heliportRead more
25 September 2018 Press release

The Cliiink Programme is Now Fully Operational

The 37 green public waste collection points for glass recycling are all now equipped with the smart-city "Cliiink" system, the first rewards programme for returning glass packaging for recycling.As a reminder, for eac...

Read more of The Cliiink Programme is Now Fully Operational Read more
Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux - Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux © Michael Alesi/Government Communication Department
21 September 2018 Press release

Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux is Appointed Director of the Mission for Energy Transition

Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux is taking over as Director of the Mission for Energy Transition (MTE). She is a graduate in Political Science (Paris I Sorbonne) and a specialist in environmental issues. During her career, she has held...

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Paolo sari - Paolo Sari, Michelin-starred chef from the Monte-Carlo Beach, in his vegetable garden ©Government Communication Department/Manuel Vitali
20 September 2018 News flash

La Route du Goût (The Road to Taste) – 3rd Organic Festival

La Route du Goût (The Road to Taste) will take place in Monaco for the 3rd consecutive year, from 12 to 14 October, on the Quai Antoine 1er. This major annual event is organised by the Bio Chef Global Spirit Association and pre...

Read more of La Route du Goût (The Road to Taste) – 3rd Organic FestivalRead more
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08 August 2018 Press release

Ozone pollution: information and recommendations

With regard to air quality, the Principality of Monaco complies with the targets set out in European directives. Thus, when the information threshold of 180 µg ozone per cubic metre of air is exceeded, the Department of the Env...

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02 August 2018 Press release

A building lighting charter for the Principality

Lighting up a city provides an opportunity to reveal its less familiar features. Given the specific, often spectacular nature of the urban landscape in Monaco, which has around 7,500 light points, this challenge is particularly...

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Cliiink - From left to right: Nicolas Matile Narmino, President of the Monaco Union of Traders (UCAM), Bertrand Rouzaud, representing Terradona, Thomas Battaglione, Managing Director of the Société Monégasque de l'Electricité et du Gaz (Monaco Electricity and Gas Company), Marie Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, and Jean-Luc Puyo, Director of Urban DevelopmentCopyright: Government Communication Bureau
19 June 2018 Press release

Launch of the Cliiink Reward Programme for Sorting Glass Packaging

At a press conference held today, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, presented the launch of the Cliiink smart-city scheme to the media. This is the first reward programme f...

Read more of Launch of the Cliiink programmeRead more
APIdays 2018 - Photo Credit:  © Manuel Vitali/Government Communication Department
15 June 2018 Press release

APIdays in Monaco - 9th Event

The 2018 APIdays, organised by the beekeepers of the National Union of French Beekeeping (UNAF) in more than 120 partner sites in France, French territory overseas and Monaco, took place on Friday 15 June on the theme of "...

Read more of APIdays in Monaco - 9th EventRead more
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59