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03 December 2018 News flash

"I see this pact as a way of bringing together experienced and less experienced people towards a common goal"

Like many of the first signatories of the National Pact for Energy Transition, I made a commitment, quite a while back, to putting actions in place to reduce my carbon footprint. I see this pact as a way of bringing together ex...

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Celine Caron
03 December 2018 News flash

The experience of Céline Caron, General Secretary, Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

Signing up to the National Pact for Energy Transition was the continuity of something that has always been one of the fundamental values of the Oceanographic Museum. Our mission in favour of the ocean and, more generally, the e...

Read more of The experience of Céline Caron, General Secretary, Oceanographic Museum of MonacoRead more
03 December 2018 News flash

Give a second life to clothes.

Adopting initiatives to reduce your carbon footprint – that is to say your impact on greenhouse gas emissions (and more generally on the environment) – can easily be done gradually, starting by simple actions. Apart from sortin...

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03 December 2018 News flash

"If everyone changes their behaviour a little, the planet will reap the benefits.”

As a Mum to 3 young children, I signed the National Pact for Energy Transition above all to assert my convictions and formalise my commitment to a cause that has been close to my heart for some time. The first actions I took co...

Read more of "If everyone changes their behaviour a little, the planet will reap the benefits.” Read more
03 December 2018 News flash

Energy transition for businesses : how to implement sustainable mobility measures ?

The main ecological challenge we are currently facing is climate change. This phenomenon is mainly linked to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by industrialisation and widespread use of fossil fuels, especially oil used...

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Didier Beynet
03 December 2018 News flash

The experience of Didier Beynet, Monaco Country Director, SBM Offshore

Social and environmental responsibility are essential values for SBM Offshore. Moreover, the group has been investing in the research and development of new technologies in the renewable energy field, for several years. It is i...

Read more of The experience of Didier Beynet, Monaco Country Director, SBM OffshoreRead more
Radio Ethic en live sur le thème de la transition énergétique - Radio Ethic Live on the Subject of Energy Transition, at the Stars'n'BarsPhoto Credit:  Manuel Vitali © Government Communication Department
22 November 2018 Press release

Radio Ethic Live on the Subject of Energy Transition

Yesterday evening, a live Radio Ethic programme, focusing on energy transition, took place in partnership with the Government Communication Department. This particular subject for the programme was chosen because of the persona...

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Panneaux solaires Ecole des Révoires - Technical inspection of the solar panels on the roof of the Ecole des Révoires.Photo Credit:  Manuel Vitali © Government Communication Department
05 November 2018 News flash

Installation of Solar Panels at the Ecole des Révoires School

This morning, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, visited the roof of the Ecole des Révoires school, where solar panels are currently being installed by the Public Building M...

Read more of Installation of Solar Panels at the Ecole des Révoires SchoolRead more
Parc photovoltaïque - Parc photovoltaïque © DR
05 November 2018 Press release

First Solar Investment by Monaco Energies Renouvelables

The Principality's energy and climate policy aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050; to this end, reducing energy consumption and increasing the share of renewable energies are two key driving factors.With regard to the latt...

Read more of First Solar Investment by Monaco Energies RenouvelablesRead more
Présentation BD2M - Presentation of the BDM Approach© Michael Alesi/Government Communication Department
25 October 2018 Press release

"Mediterranean Sustainable Buildings of Monaco" The Principality is Committed to Sustainable Construction

Under the impetus of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, Monaco made a commitment to reach stringent targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions To support this ambitious approach, the environmental and energy performance of bui...

Read more of The Principality is Committed to Sustainable ConstructionRead more
Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59