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18 November 2021 News flash

Progress on ocean thermal energy loops!

An update on the roll-out of ocean thermal energy loops in the Principality was given during a press conference held at the Meridien Beach Plaza on 22 October. The briefing was attended by Ms Céline Caron-Dagioni, Minister of P...

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2- Bilan positif pour le 1er anniversaire du service de covoiturage Klaxit
18 November 2021 News flash

Positive review for Klaxit car sharing service on its 1st anniversary!

To coincide with European Mobility Week, which began on Thursday 16 September, an update on car sharing was organised with the various stakeholders, including government departments and partner companies. Launched in September...

Read more of Positive review for Klaxit car sharing service on its 1st anniversary!Read more
1-Ensemble vers une économie bas carbone
18 November 2021 News flash

The energy transition is gathering pace!

At the Mission for Energy Transition, we’re keenly aware that the most impactful changes take time: substantial work is carried out to inform and educate in order to promote awareness and a search for practical solutions. Recen...

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Monaco On e-rallye - Les véhicules du e-rallye 2021, se rechargent sur les bornes Monaco On ©DC
03 November 2021 Press release

Monaco ON at centre of Monte-Carlo E-Rally

The Monte-Carlo E-Rally – the 100% electric and hydrogen version of the Monte-Carlo Rally – promotes new technology to help decarbonise transport.This year’s event programme included a 350-kilometre time trial split into 15 spe...

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BTT - ©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi
25 October 2021 Press release

Ocean thermal energy loops now being rolled out in Principality

A press conference was held on Friday 22 October 2021 to provide an update on the roll-out of ocean thermal energy loops in the Principality’s Condamine and Larvotto districts.The press briefing was attended by Ms Céline Caron-...

Read more of Ocean thermal energy loops now being rolled out in PrincipalityRead more
serd 2020 - ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali
25 October 2021 Press release

Award of certificates for participation in European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) 2020

On Wednesday 20 October, the Department of the Environment held an event in the conference room at the Oceanographic Museum to award certificates for participation in European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) 2020.The certificat...

Read more of Award of certificates for participation in European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) 2020Read more
Affiche Week-end nature - Week-end nature 2021
12 October 2021 Press release

Nature Weekend in the Principality’s gardens

The Gardens Section of the Department of Urban Amenities is holding the 1st Nature Weekend on 16 and 17 October 2021 in the gardens of the Principality.Free events, including tours, workshops, games and opportunities for visito...

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3ème réunion Comité Aires Marines Protégées - ©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi
08 October 2021 Press release

Third meeting of the National Committee for Monitoring Marine Protected Areas

The third meeting of the National Committee for Monitoring Marine Protected Areas* was held on Wednesday 6October 2021 at the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco.The Principality has two marine protected areas (MPAs), Larvotto and t...

Read more of Third meeting of the National Committee for Monitoring Marine Protected AreasRead more
Mérou Brun - Mérou brun ©Direction de l'Environnement
08 October 2021 Press release

Inventory of groupers and brown meagres along Principality’s coastline

The grouper, an iconic Mediterranean fish, has almost disappeared from our coasts as a result of spearfishing. It is considered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to be an endangered species and, like...

Read more of Inventory of groupers and brown meagres along Principality’s coastlineRead more
Point presse Monaco ON - Sur la photo, de gauche à droite : Natacha Roux (Société Monégasque de l'Electricité et du Gaz), Régis Fontanez (Direction de l’Aménagement Urbain), Virginie Hache-Vincenot (Mission pour la Transition Energétique) et Gilles Manera (Service des Parkings Publics). © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication
27 September 2021 Press release

Véhicules électriques : « MONACO ON » vous facilite la charge

Mercredi 22 septembre se tenait un point presse dédié au déploiement du réseau de bornes de recharge Monaco ON, mis en place ces 18 derniers mois en Principauté.L’événement, qui venait en « clap de fin » de la Semaine Européenn...

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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59