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The Charter on Wood rewards its 2019 prize-winners


On 5 December, the Prince Albert II Foundation, the Prince's Government, the MC2D association and IMEDD were host to the signatories of the Charter on Wood, which is part of the "Monaco Against Deforestation" initiative, at their annual meeting.  The Charter on Wood invites Monegasque companies to promote the responsible use of wood and wood products, both through their purchases and as part of their customer/supplier relationship.  Almost 60 Monegasque companies have already committed to acting in an exemplary manner by adhering to the Charter, the most recent being the Monegasque operator Monaco Telecom.

The 2019 event, held at Hôtel Métropole Monte-Carlo, which is itself a signatory to the Charter, was an opportunity to recognise the most committed signatories at a conference and cocktail party.

This year, tribute was paid to the following for their good results:

Activity:  packaging

Progress:  improvement in the overall management of wood products

Activity:  recycling ink cartridges
Progress:  improvement in overall paper management

Activity:  furniture
Progress:  improvement in overall paper management

Activity:  wooden advertising items
Progress:  improvement in the overall management of wood products

VP INTERNATIONAL (Vereinigte Papierwarenfrabriken GmbH) 
Activity:  Printing, paper, cardboard, packaging and paper pulp

Progress:  improvement in the integration of the Wood Charter within the company

As Olivier Wenden, Vice-President of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, recalled in his welcoming address, our common commitment to combatting deforestation is more decisive and crucial than ever, as deforestation continues to spread, threatening ecosystems and biodiversity across the planet, as demonstrated by the recent fires in the Amazon and in Siberia.  Combatting deforestation remains a major concern for the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, which has made it one of its priority aims since it was first founded.

In addition, Valérie Davenet, Director of Environment, representing Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, welcomed the momentum gained by the Charter.  She also emphasised the relevance of the activities of the Carton Commun recycling initiative and "the importance to be placed on our choices when purchasing paper and wood products and the need to recycle and find ways to give a second life to these materials, as proposed by Carton Commun."

The Common Carton initiative (www.cartoncommun.fr) was invited to present its web platform, which puts individuals and companies in contact with each other with the aim of sharing paper resources, whether cardboard, pallets or paper.  In just a few months, more than 10,000 users in France, convinced of the value of this initiative, have registered on this advertising site, which extends the life of paper and wood-based products.


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