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Julien Vidal working with Mission for Energy Transition

Julien Vidal - coach ambassadeurs

The Mission for Energy Transition launched its National Pact Ambassadors programme on 29 September. The role of these Ambassadors is to promote and share information about the National Pact with people in Monaco to encourage the adoption of more eco-friendly habits and behaviours. To support them in their role as Ambassadors, the first ten representatives of the programme will be trained by Julien Vidal, founder of the eco-citizen movement Ça commence par moi (It All Starts With Me).


Julien Vidal, ambassador for the energy transition in France

Julien Vidal, who was a guest at the Annual Energy Transition Conference in 2019, is a great representative of the eco-citizen movement. As part of the launch of the Pact Carbon Coach, a digital support and promotion tool for the Energy Transition Pact, this committed thirty-year-old author and commentator has agreed to work with us. He is now a partner of the Mission for Energy Transition in the Principality, and is offering training workshops to help people become Ambassadors for the transition.

As the creator behind the Ça commence par moi initiative, Julien Vidal spoke about his personal journey at the Annual Energy Transition Conference on 29 March 2019. H.S.H. Prince Albert II and H.E. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, both attended the event. Julien Vidal is proof that a sustainable energy transition is possible if we make simple changes to our behaviour.

He has tested and adopted more than 365 practical eco-friendly actions as part of his everyday life. The author of Ça commence par moi, soyons le changement que nous voulons voir dans le monde (It All Starts With Me: Let’s Be the Change We Want to See in the World), he is seeking to demonstrate that there are already simple, concrete and commendable solutions out there: a responsible approach to food, zero waste, soft mobility, sustainable tourism, a low-tech lifestyle, etc.

Since 2019, his action has gathered pace: two books, a website with 3 million visits, and an eco-citizen series in partnership with Brut Nature. He is also a commentator for France 5’s La Quotidienne programme on television. Julien is first and foremost, however, the creator of the website named after his first book, Ça commence par moi, where he publishes videos, podcasts and articles to give people the insight and practical examples that will help to build a more responsible world.

In his podcast series 2030 Glorieuses (The Glorious 2030s), he invites agents of change to come in and talk about what they are doing.

‘2030 Glorieuses is a podcast that shines a light on those who are shaping the world of tomorrow, who embody the realistic utopias that we so desperately need. There are thousands of people in France who are taking practical steps to show that action is the best remedy against fatalism and that, if we act with ambition and passion, it is within our power to make the 2030s a glorious decade.’

Today, in addition to his media commitments, Julien Vidal has agreed to use his ideas and experience to assist the energy transition in the Principality.


Julien Vidal, coach for the Pact Ambassadors

A true coach, Julien will visit the Principality to train the Pact Ambassadors who have signed the National Energy Transition Pact.

Educational workshops will be offered once every quarter to train a maximum of 50 participants on both form and substance, enabling them to embody change in Monaco (the training will cover the impact of eco-citizen actions, mobilisation strategy, etc.).

Each workshop will employ collective intelligence techniques to help participants work together to build knowledge that they will be able to acquire more easily. They will then be able to apply it in their daily lives and share it with their friends and family. These workshops will be complemented by a session focused specifically on the National Pact and the national energy transition policy, which will be led by the Mission for Energy Transition.

A partnership between the Mission for Energy Transition and Radio Ethic is set to produce a Monegasque version of the 2030 Glorieuses podcast. The programme will highlight eco-friendly best practices adopted by Pact signatories.

Julien’s message gets straight to the point:

‘When it comes to embarking on our ambitious eco-citizen journey, it all starts with me, with you, with us. A change that is made for the long term, individually and collectively, slowly and quickly, in a detailed and radical way, with great ambition: rather than absolving ourselves of guilt for our unbridled overconsumption in a capitalist world, we urgently need to break down our habits to return the living world to the centre of everything, to experiment and start building a sustainable, mutually supportive and happy world today.’


There is no doubt that Julien’s manifesto has been heard in Monaco, and that it will continue to resonate in the future.

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59