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4th Energy Transition Press Event

The 4th Energy Transition Press Event was held at One Monte-Carlo on Thursday 9 July.

The result of a desire jointly expressed by H.E. the Minister of State and Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, the quarterly event aims to showcase those who are making the Principality’s energy transition a reality.

The agenda for the fourth event in the series focused on:

- teleworking: Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Digital Officer, discussed the provision of computer equipment to civil servants, which enabled the Monegasque Government to fulfil its mission of providing continuity in public services during the lockdown;

- eco-friendly initiatives adopted by construction company E.M.T. (Entreprise Monégasque de Travaux): Chairman Philippe Ortelli gave a presentation on the company’s commitment to sustainability through the use of low-carbon concrete and biofuel-powered cement mixer lorries with electric mixers;

 - waste reduction: Philippe Prud’homme, the CEO of Bettina, discussed the company’s “sustainable” initiative – the manufacture of Bettimasks, which are high-quality, reusable, Made in Monaco face masks;

- cutting food waste: Elisa Alberto presented her anti-waste platform Ecoslowasting, which promotes the circular economy by bringing local businesses and customers together to prevent any waste.

Each participant talked about the actions they were undertaking and their sincere commitments to the Principality’s energy and environmental transition. The next event will be held in November this year.

Further reporting will follow on Monaco Info and the Mission for Energy Transition’s social media pages.

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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59