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Installation of Solar Panels at the Ecole des Révoires School

Technical inspection of the solar panels on the roof of the Ecole des Révoires.

Photo Credit:  Manuel Vitali © Government Communication Department

This morning, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, visited the roof of the Ecole des Révoires school, where solar panels are currently being installed by the Public Building Maintenance Department.  The visit took place in the presence of Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, Anthony de Sevelinges, Head of the Public Buildings Maintenance Office, accompanied by his staff, and Isabelle Biancheri, the School's Director.

Key points of this installation: 

  •        161 m2 of photovoltaic panels have been installed.
  •        They have been placed on roofs with dual north-west and south-east exposure, allowing for optimal solar capture.
  •        To avoid excessive wind load, the panels have been installed at a slight angle (10°)
  •        A screen in the school hall will enable students to see the energy produced and accumulated and the CO2 avoided, in real time.
  •        The average annual production, 32,000 kWh, will cover approximately 15% of the school's annual needs.
  •        2.6 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year will thus be avoided.

This topic can be found on our social networks and on Monaco Info.  It will also be featured in the forthcoming environmental magazine, "La Ligne Verte."

Visite technique des panneaux solaires sur le toit de l'Ecole des Révoires.

Crédit photo : Manuel Vitali © Direction de la Communication

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